There is a fear psychosis in the markets and that’s providing opportunities to investors, according to veteran stock picker and fund manager Madhusudan Kela
Source : BloombergQuint (Oct-19)
Investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala of Rare Enterprises and Madhusudan Kela of MK Ventures share their investment mantra
Source : ET Now -( Feb-19)
Madhu Kela gets candid and shares his experience and learning from stock markets..... he rightly states that he came to market just to make money and not to be right all the time (Nov-18)
Leaders of Tomorrow Conclave & Awards, Madhusudan Kela, Founder of MK Ventures, talks about the key ways of being a successful company and more.
Source : ET Now - (Oct 18)
Zee Business Nivesh ki Pathshala with Zee Business' Managing Editor Anil Singhvi and also know the advice of different expert's on mutual fund investment, key rules before making any investment.
Source : NDTV - (Jul-18)
Stock Market Veteran Madhusudan Kela while addressing people present during the Wealth Creation Summit organised by Badjate Stock and Shares Private Limited in Nagpur, spoke as to how one should invest intelligently in the stock market and also cautioned investors to not be casual while investing in the stock market
Source : Nation next (Nov-15)
Madhu Kela is known for picking winners in the stock market. He is also known to identify opportunities early and fast. We sit down with the chief investment strategist of Reliance Capital AMC to learn his secret for success in investing
Source : NDTV (Nov-15)
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